Conserving wild birds of prey and their habitats

Conserving wild birds of prey and their habitats

What is the aim of the project?

Our primary aim is to re-establish breeding pairs and increase the overall population whilst improving and enriching the habitat by working with landowners.

Why the need for the project?

  • The numbers of Long Eared Owls are in decline
  • Reduction in habitat and vole populations
  • Limited data on movement and numbers
  • To identify if Tawny Owls are impacting the species

What about resident birds?

We still know very little about the movement of resident birds and where population recruitment could come from – for example, is there some recruitment from over-wintering birds from Scandinavia or Eastern Europe? Or are we reliant on home-grown youngsters? Part of the project is to understand this better.

How are you going to find out about resident birds?

This autumn we are looking to recruit volunteers throughout the UK. We will then ask them to undertake a winter roost survey and report the data back to us.

What about breeding birds?

In the springtime we will then ask the same volunteers to resurvey and report their findings.

Who is behind this project?

The Project is a collaboration between the Hawk and Owl Trust, The International Centre for Birds of Prey and the Scottish Owl Centre.

What is the conservation status of these birds?

The conservation status is not well known, and the published figures are doubtful, which the BTO acknowledge. From the Trust surveys, the conclusion is that the population is falling due partially to habitat loss.

How can I help?

We are looking for volunteers to participate in the Winter Roost survey, please complete the online form to register your interest.

How can I financially support the project?

There are two ways:
  1. Please consider joining the Trust [Join]
  2. Please consider a donation. All donations will go towards the project. and will help us deliver the survey and the next stages. [Donate]

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